Or two! Thank you mummy, who surprised me with not one but TWO new MAC lipsticks. I'm a very happy girlie. I got Myth and Shy Girl, which I've been lusting after for a while. I almost bought them the other day when I went into town, I ummed and ahhed for about an hour with Myth, Hue and Shy Girl, before finally choosing Shy Girl, only then to be told it was sold out. I was upset then and the fact I could have one made me want one more, however I was dragged away and told to get one when it was back and not to buy anything for the sake of it, blahhh, does she not understand? But now I have both, I'm so happy, which one to use first?
Also my super yummy boyfriend told me that part of my Christmas/birthday present is.... £40 pounds in MAC! Bless his little heart, however what to choose? Please can you guys recommended some of your must haves, I'd love to try some new stuff. It will cheer me up when I'm revising, booohooo.

Hope the revision goes well :-) and cute hello kitty mug, x