So I went to a halloween party the other day and went as.... BARBIE.
It was me and my friend's idea and 4 of us did it in total, though i missed out on some of the fun as i didn't have to buy a wig, still on the plus side more moneys for MAC make up :)
I'm sorry I can't remember most of the stuff I used, as i literally rooted round for everything, however:
a pale pink base and bright pink above the crease line, huge fake eyelashes on top and bottom for a more "dolly" look and eyeliner to make it all look neater
two types of foundation ( a sheer one for a base, and a thick matte one on top), MSF, stupid amounts of blusher ( i used nars orgasm and it was like a dream)
MAC Lady Gaga Lipstick first, then Chatterbox, a tiny bit of Impassioned with a pale shiny lipgloss over the top
I also fake tanned properly for more dollyness, however I'm so pale it just made me normal colour.
Here are some pictures, which I actually think look quite good, I'd deffo recommend trying this look to anyone (I'm the one with the real blonde hair)